- In this street there is a comely woman: she has a child, but she is an artful one.”
- اندرین کوچه یکی زیبا زنیست ** کودکی دارد ولیکن پرفنیست
- Then the officers came: she, by the command of God, cast the child into the stove.
- پس عوانان آمدند او طفل را ** در تنور انداخت از امر خدا
- From that omniscient One revelation came to the woman that this boy is of the stock of the Friend (of God),
- وحی آمد سوی زن زان با خبر ** که ز اصل آن خلیلست این پسر
- (And that) through the protection of (the Divine word), “O fire, be cool,” the fire will not be hot and untamed.
- عصمت یا نار کونی باردا ** لا تکون النار حرا شاردا
- In consequence of the revelation the woman cast him amidst the sparks: the fire produced no effect on the body of Moses. 955
- زن بوحی انداخت او را در شرر ** بر تن موسی نکرد آتش اثر
- Then the officers went away without having attained their object, (but) again the informers, who were aware of it,
- پس عوانان بی مراد آن سو شدند ** باز غمازان کز آن واقف بدند
- Raised an altercation with the officers before Pharaoh for the sake of (earning) some petty coins,
- با عوانان ماجرا بر داشتند ** پیش فرعون از برای دانگ چند
- Saying, “O officers, go back thither, and look very carefully in the upper rooms.”
- کای عوانان باز گردید آن طرف ** نیک نیکو بنگرید اندر غرف
- How it was divinely revealed to the mother of Moses that she should throw Moses into the water.
- وحی آمدن به مادر موسی کی موسی را در آب افکن
- Once more the revelation came: “Throw him into the water; keep thy face in hope and do not tear thy hair.
- باز وحی آمد که در آبش فکن ** روی در اومید دار و مو مکن
- Throw him into the Nile and put trust (in Me): I will bring thee to him happily.” 960
- در فکن در نیلش و کن اعتماد ** من ترا با وی رسانم رو سپید