- Jacob said to his sons, “Make search for Joseph beyond (all) bounds.
- گفت آن یعقوب با اولاد خویش ** جستن یوسف کنید از حد بیش
- In this search earnestly direct your every sense towards every side, like one that is ready.”
- هر حس خود را درین جستن بجد ** هر طرف رانید شکل مستعد
- He (Jacob) said, “Do not despair of God's breath (mercy)”; go thou (also) to and fro as one that has lost his son.
- گفت از روح خدا لا تیاسوا ** همچو گم کرده پسر رو سو بسو
- Inquire by means of the sense of the mouth, and lay your ears on the four roads of that (which ye seek). 985
- از ره حس دهان پرسان شوید ** گوش را بر چار راه آن نهید
- Whenever a sweet scent comes, smell in the direction of that mystery, for ye are acquainted with that direction.
- هر کجا بوی خوش آید بو برید ** سوی آن سر کاشنای آن سرید
- Whenever thou art aware of a kindness from any one, ’tis possible thou mayst find the way to the source of the kindness.
- هر کجا لطفی ببینی از کسی ** سوی اصل لطف ره یابی عسی
- All these lovely things are from a deep Sea: leave the part and keep thine eye (fixed) upon the Whole.
- این همه خوشها ز دریاییست ژرف ** جزو را بگذار و بر کل دار طرف
- The wars of mankind are for the sake of Beauty; the garniture of ungarnishedness is the sign of the Túbá tree.
- جنگهای خلق بهر خوبیست ** برگ بی برگی نشان طوبیست
- The angers of mankind are for the sake of Peace; restlessness is ever the snare for Rest. 990
- خشمهای خلق بهر آشتیست ** دام راحت دایما بیراحتیست
- Every blow is for the sake of fondness; every complaint makes (thee) aware of gratitude (due for benefits received).
- هر زدن بهر نوازش را بود ** هر گله از شکر آگه میکند