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  • Like that Iblís and his progeny, (engaged) in battle and argument with God? 1395
  • هم‌چو آن ابلیس و ذریات او ** با خدا در جنگ و اندر گفت و گو
  • How should there be compulsion when you are trailing your skirt (sweeping along) into sin with such complacence?
  • چون بود اکراه با چندان خوشی ** که تو در عصیان همی دامن کشی
  • Does any one under compulsion walk so complacently? Does any one, having lost his way’, go dancing (gleefully) like that?
  • آن‌چنان خوش کس رود در مکرهی ** کس چنان رقصان دود در گم‌رهی
  • You were fighting like twenty men (to prevail) in the matter concerning which those others were giving you good advice.
  • بیست مرده جنگ می‌کردی در آن ** کت همی‌دادند پند آن دیگران
  • You said, “This is right and this is the only (approved) way: how should any one but a nobody (worthless person) rail at me?”
  • که صواب اینست و راه اینست و بس ** کی زند طعنه مرا جز هیچ‌کس
  • How should one who is compelled speak thus? How should one who has lost his way wrangle like this? 1400
  • کی چنین گوید کسی کو مکر هست ** چون چنین جنگد کسی کو بی‌رهست
  • Whatever your fleshly soul desires, you have free-will (in regard to that); whatever your reason desires, you plead necessity (as an excuse for rejecting it).
  • هر چه نفست خواست داری اختیار ** هر چه عقلت خواست آری اضطرار
  • He that is blessed and familiar (with spiritual mysteries) knows that intelligence is of Iblís, while love is of Adam.
  • داند او کو نیک‌بخت و محرمست ** زیرکی ز ابلیس و عشق از آدمست
  • Intelligence is (like) swimming in the seas: he (the swimmer) is not saved: he is drowned at the end of the business.
  • زیرکی سباحی آمد در بحار ** کم رهد غرقست او پایان کار
  • Leave off swimming, let pride and enmity go: this is not a Jayhun (Oxus) or a (lesser) river, it is an ocean;
  • هل سباحت را رها کن کبر و کین ** نیست جیحون نیست جو دریاست این