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  • Lay thy hand on my mouth: shut my mouth (so as to restrain me) from unacceptable speech.”
  • Do not you, then, whatsoever grief befall you, resentfully accuse any one: turn upon yourself.
  • Do not think evil of another, O you who gratify the desire of your friend: do not do that which that slave was meditating—
  • Now his quarrel (was) with the messenger and the steward, now his anger (was directed) against the generous emperor. 1915
  • You are like Pharaoh, who had left Moses (alone) and was taking off the heads of the people's babes:
  • The enemy (Moses) was in the house of that blind-hearted man, (while) he (outside) was cutting the necks of the children.
  • You also are bad (malign) to others outside, while you have become complaisant to the grievous self (carnal soul) within.
  • It is your enemy indeed, (yet) you are giving it candy, while outside you are accusing every one.
  • You are like Pharaoh, blind and blind-hearted: complaisant to your enemy and treating the guiltless with ignominy. 1920
  • How long, O (imitator of) Pharaoh, will you slay the innocent and pamper your noxious body?