- So that the breath of that one may be defeated by the breath of this one, and that my serpent may destroy that dragon (of thine).
- تا دم آن از دم این بشکند ** مار من آن اژدها را بر کند
- If thou submittest, thou art freed from two serpents; otherwise, it (thy dragon) will bring thy spirit to utter perdition.”
- گر رضا دادی رهیدی از دو مار ** ورنه از جانت برآرد آن دمار
- He (Pharaoh) said, “In truth, thou art an exceedingly cunning sorcerer, for by craft thou hast introduced duality (disunion) here. 2360
- گفت الحق سخت استا جادوی ** که در افکندی به مکر اینجا دوی
- Thou hast made the unanimous people into two factions: sorcery makes fissures in rock and mountain.”
- خلق یکدل را تو کردی دو گروه ** جادوی رخنه کند در سنگ و کوه
- He (Moses) said, “I am submerged in the message of God: who (ever) saw sorcery together with the name of God?
- گفت هستم غرق پیغام خدا ** جادوی کی دید با نام خدا
- The substance of sorcery is forgetfulness (of God) and unbelief: the spirit of Moses is the flaming torch of the (true) religion.
- غفلت و کفرست مایهی جادوی ** مشعلهی دینست جان موسوی
- How do I resemble sorcerers, O impudent one?—for the Messiah (Jesus) is becoming jealous of my (life-giving) breath.
- من به جادویان چه مانم ای وقیح ** کز دمم پر رشک میگردد مسیح
- How do I resemble sorcerers, O polluted one?—for the (Revealed) Books are receiving light from my spirit. 2365
- من به جادویان چه مانم ای جنب ** که ز جانم نور میگیرد کتب
- Since thou art soaring on the wings of sensuality, inevitably thou bearest (in thy heart) that (ill) thought against me.”
- چون تو با پر هوا بر میپری ** لاجرم بر من گمان آن میبری
- Every one whose actions are those of wild beasts hath ill thoughts against the noble.
- هر کرا افعال دام و دد بود ** بر کریمانش گمان بد بود