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  • (My) heart is saying, “Be silent and observe discretion; otherwise, the (Divine) jealousy will end the warp and woof (of thy existence).” 2650
  • دل همی گوید خموش و هوش دار ** ورنه درانید غیرت پود و تار
  • His jealousy hath a hundred hidden clemencies; else in one moment it would consume a hundred worlds.
  • غیرتش را هست صد حلم نهان ** ورنه سوزیدی به یک دم صد جهان
  • Kingly pride seized the place of (left no room for) admonition in him (Pharaoh), so that he wrenched his heart away from the bonds of admonition,
  • نخوت شاهی گرفتش جای پند ** تا دل خود را ز بند پند کند
  • Saying, “I will take counsel with Hámán, for he is the support of the kingdom and the pivot of power.”
  • که کنم بار رای هامان مشورت ** کوست پشت ملک و قطب مقدرت
  • The Lord's veracious witness was the counsellor of Mustafá (Mohammed); Bú Lahab became the counsellor of Bú Jahl.
  • مصطفی را رای‌زن صدیق رب ** رای‌زن بوجهل را شد بولهب
  • The homogeneity rooted in his nature drew him (towards Hámán) so (strongly) that those admonishments (of Ásiya) became irksome to him. 2655
  • عرق جنسیت چنانش جذب کرد ** کان نصیحتها به پیشش گشت سرد
  • Congener flies to congener with a hundred wings and rives (all) bounds asunder in the fancy (desire) for him (who is congenial).
  • جنس سوی جنس صد پره پرد ** بر خیالش بندها را بر درد
  • Story of the woman whose child crawled to the top of the water-spout and was in danger of falling; (whereupon) she besought help of ‘Alí Murtadá, may God ennoble his person.
  • قصه‌ی آن زن کی طفل او بر سر ناودان غیژید و خطر افتادن بود و از علی کرم‌الله وجهه چاره جست
  • A woman came to Murtadá (‘Alí) and said, “A child belonging to me has gone up on to the water-spout.
  • یک زنی آمد به پیش مرتضی ** گفت شد بر ناودان طفلی مرا
  • If I call it, it will not come to my hands; and if I leave it, I am afraid it will fall to the ground.
  • گرش می‌خوانم نمی‌آید به دست ** ور هلم ترسم که افتد او به پست
  • It is not intelligent, that it should apprehend, like us, if I say, ‘Come to me (and escape) from the danger.’
  • نیست عاقل تا که دریابد چون ما ** گر بگویم کز خطر سوی من آ