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  • He sprang up and at once prostrated himself: the king immediately put away from his hand the sword of vengeance,
  • بر جهید و زود در سجده فتاد ** در زمان شه تیغ قهر از کف نهاد
  • And said, “If he is the (very) Devil, I forgive him; and if he has done a satanic deed, I cover it up.
  • گفت اگر دیوست من بخشیدمش ** ور بلیسی کرد من پوشیدمش
  • Since thou hast intervened, I am satisfied, (even) if the culprit has committed a hundred acts of harm.
  • چونک آمد پای تو اندر میان ** راضیم گر کرد مجرم صد زیان
  • I can break (annul) a hundred thousand angers, seeing that thou hast such excellence and such worth; 2940
  • صد هزاران خشم را توانم شکست ** که ترا آن فضل و آن مقدار هست
  • (But) nowise can I break (annul) thy supplication, because thy supplication is assuredly my supplication.
  • لابه‌ات را هیچ نتوانم شکست ** زآنک لابه‌ی تو یقین لابه‌ی منست
  • (Even) if he had thrown earth and heaven into confusion, this man would not have escaped from (my) vengeance;
  • گر زمین و آسمان بر هم زدی ** ز انتقام این مرد بیرون نامدی
  • And if (the whole world) atom by atom had become a suppliant (for his release), he would not have saved his head from the sword at this moment.
  • ور شدی ذره به ذره لابه‌گر ** او نبردی این زمان از تیغ سر
  • We confer no obligation on thee (by this), O noble one; but (on the contrary) ’tis (only) to explain thy honour (the honour in which I hold thee), O boon-companion.
  • بر تو می‌ننهیم منت ای کریم ** لیک شرح عزت تست ای ندیم
  • Thou didst not make this (intercession), for assuredly I made it, O thou whose qualities are buried in my qualities. 2945
  • این نکردی تو که من کردم یقین ** ایی صفاتت در صفات ما دفین
  • In this (matter) thou art the one employed to do the work, not the (prime) doer (of it), inasmuch as thou art borne by me and art not (thyself) the bearer.
  • تو درین مستعملی نی عاملی ** زانک محمول منی نی حاملی