(With) no hands and no feet, go to Eternity in the same fashion as that in which the spirits sped from non-existence.
دست نه و پای نه رو تا قدم ** آن چنانک تاخت جانها از عدم
If there had not been somnolence (dullness and inattention) in the hearer's hearing, the veil of logical reasoning would have been torn asunder in the discourse.
بردریدی در سخن پردهی قیاس ** گر نبودی سمع سامع را نعاس
O Heaven, shower pearls on his (the Shaykh's) rede! O World, have shame of (be abashed by) his world!560
ای فلک بر گفت او گوهر ببار ** از جهان او جهانا شرم دار
If thou wilt shower (pearls), thy substance will become (increased in splendour) hundredfold: thy inorganic (matter) will become seeing and speaking.
گر بباری گوهرت صد تا شود ** جامدت بیننده و گویا شود
Therefore thou wilt have scattered a largesse for thine own sake, inasmuch as every stock of thine will be centupled.
پس نثاری کرده باشی بهر خود ** چونک هر سرمایهی تو صد شود
Story of Bilqís' sending a gift from the city of Sabá to Solomon, on whom be peace.
قصهی هدیه فرستادن بلقیس از شهر سبا سوی سلیمان علیهالسلام
The gift of Bilqís was forty mules: their whole load consisted of bricks of gold.
هدیهی بلقیس چل استر بدست ** بار آنها جمله خشت زر بدست
When he (the envoy) reached the open plain, belonging to Solomon, he saw that its carpet was (made) entirely of solid gold.
چون به صحرای سلیمانی رسید ** فرش آن را جمله زر پخته دید
He rode on gold for the distance of forty stages, till gold had no more esteem in his sight.565
بر سر زر تا چهل منزل براند ** تا که زر را در نظر آبی نماند
(Many) times they said, “Let us take the gold back to the treasury: what a (fruitless) quest are we (engaged) in!
بارها گفتند زر را وا بریم ** سوی مخزن ما چه بیگار اندریم
A spacious land of which the soil is pure gold—to bring gold thither as a gift is folly.”
عرصهای کش خاک زر ده دهیست ** زر به هدیه بردن آنجا ابلهیست