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  • Hearken to your own reason, O possessor of a granary, and commit your wheat to the earth of Allah,
  • بشنو از عقل خود ای انباردار  ** گندم خود را به ارض الله سپار 
  • That it may be safe from thieves and weevils. Kill the Devil with the wood-fretter (of reason) as quickly as possible;
  • تا شود آمن ز دزد و از شپش  ** دیو را با دیوچه زوتر بکش 
  • For he is always frightening you with (the threat of) poverty: make him your prey like a partridge, O valiant hawk.
  • کو همی ترساندت هم دم ز فقر  ** هم‌چو کبکش صید کن ای نره صقر 
  • It would be a shame for the falcon of the mighty and fortunate Sultan to be made a prey by the partridge.
  • باز سلطان عزیزی کامیار  ** ننگ باشد که کند کبکش شکار 
  • He (the father) gave many injunctions (to his sons) and sowed the seed of exhortation, (but) as their soil was nitrous (barren), ’twas of no avail. 1530
  • بس وصیت کرد و تخم وعظ کاشت  ** چون زمین‌شان شوره بد سودی نداشت 
  • Although the admonisher have a hundred appeals, counsel demands a retentive ear.
  • گرچه ناصح را بود صد داعیه  ** پند را اذنی بباید واعیه 
  • You counsel him (the heedless man) with a hundred courtesies, and he turns aside from your counsel.
  • تو به صد تلطیف پندش می‌دهی  ** او ز پندت می‌کند پهلو تهی 
  • A single person who obstinately refuses to listen will baffle a hundred (eloquent) speakers.
  • یک کس نامستمع ز استیز و رد  ** صد کس گوینده را عاجز کند 
  • Who should be more persuasive in counselling and sweeter-tongued than the prophets, whose words made an impression (even) on stones?
  • ز انبیا ناصح‌تر و خوش لهجه‌تر  ** کی بود کی گرفت دمشان در حجر 
  • (Yet) the bonds of the ill-fated (infidel) were not being loosed by that whereby mountain and stone were moved. 1535
  • زانچ کوه و سنگ درکار آمدند  ** می‌نشد بدبخت را بگشاده بند