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  • In Love, (which is) glorious and resplendent, you will find intelligible things other than these intelligible things.
  • To God belong intelligences other than this intelligence of yours, (intelligences) by which the mediate celestial things are ruled;
  • For by this (individual) intelligence you procure the means of subsistence, (while) by that other (universal intelligence) you make the tiers of Heaven a carpet (under your feet). 3235
  • When you gamble away (sacrifice) your intelligence in love of the Lord, He gives you ten like unto it or seven hundred.
  • Those women (of Egypt), when they gambled away (sacrificed) their intelligences, sped onward to the pavilion of Joseph's love.
  • (Love which is) the cupbearer of life took away their intelligence in one moment: they drank their fill of wisdom all the rest of their lives.
  • The beauty of the Almighty is the source of a hundred Josephs: O you who are less than a woman, devote yourself to that beauty!
  • O (dear) soul, Love alone cuts disputation short, for it (alone) comes to the rescue when you cry for help against arguments. 3240
  • Eloquence is dumbfounded by Love: it dare not engage in altercation;
  • For he (the lover) fears that, if he answer back, a pearl (his inner experience) may fall out of his mouth.