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  • Oh, blest is he that has sacrificed his body for the sake of that for which it is worth while to sacrifice one's self.
  • Inasmuch as every one is devoted to some calling wherein he spends his life and is killed—
  • Is killed somewhere (either) in the West or in the East, at which time neither the desiring subject nor the desired object remains (in existence)— 3545
  • After all, this fortunate man is devoted to the calling wherein a hundred lives are (gained) in being killed;
  • Its lover and beloved and love are everlastingly prosperous and renowned in both worlds.
  • O my generous friends, have pity on the votaries of passion: ’tis their business to go down to destruction after destruction.
  • (The people said), “O Amír, pardon his (the ascetic's) violence: consider his sorrow and ill-fortune,
  • In order that God may pardon thy sins likewise and heap forgiveness on thy faults. 3550
  • Thou hast heedlessly broken many a jug and set thy heart on the hope of pardon.
  • Pardon, that thou mayst win pardon in return: the (Divine) decree splits hairs (is exceedingly scrupulous) in (giving every one his) deserts.”
  • How the Amír answered those neighbours of the ascetic who interceded for him: “Why,” said he, “did he behave (so) impudently and why did he break my jug (of wine)? I will not listen to intercession in this matter, for I have sworn to punish him as he deserves.”