Postquam ille feminarum cultor bracas exuit et inter crura mulieris recubavit, [When that adorer of women threw off (his) trousers and sat between the woman’s legs,]3880
چون برون انداخت شلوار و نشست ** در میان پای زن آن زنپرست
Quo tempore penis ejus ad sedem suam recte ibat, tumultus ingens et clamor militum exortus est. [When (his) penis went straight toward (her) seat (buttocks), a commotion and outcry arose from the army.]
چون ذکر سوی مقر میرفت راست ** رستخیز و غلغل از لشکر بخاست
Exsiliit et nudo podice in aciem (currebat), grasping a (flashing) scimitar in his hand. [He jumped up (and ran) naked of buttocks to the (army) ranks, grasping a fiery (flashing) scimitar in his hand.]
برجهید و کونبرهنه سوی صف ** ذوالفقاری همچو آتش او به کف
He saw that a fierce black lion from the jungle had suddenly rushed upon the centre of the army;
دید شیر نر سیه از نیستان ** بر زده بر قلب لشکر ناگهان
(That) the Arab horses were demoniacally excited, (that) every stable and tent was in confusion;
تازیان چون دیو در جوش آمده ** هر طویله و خیمه اندر هم زده
(And that) the fierce lion from the covert was bounding twenty ells into the air, like billows of the sea.3885
شیر نر گنبذ همیکرد از لغز ** در هوا چون موج دریا بیست گز
The captain was manful and intrepid: he advanced, like a furious lion, to meet the lion.
پهلوان مردانه بود و بیحذر ** پیش شیر آمد چو شیر مست نر
He smote (it) with his sword and clove its head; (then) at once he hastened (back) to the tent of the beauty.
زد به شمشیر و سرش را بر شکافت ** زود سوی خیمهی مهرو شتافت
Ubi sese puellae formosissimae ostendit, penis ejus itidem erectus erat. [When he showed himself to the hourí (lovely woman), his (organ of) manhood was erect in the same manner (as before).]
چونک خود را او بدان حوری نمود ** مردی او همچنین بر پای بود
Pugna congressus erat cum tali leone: penis ejus erectus manebat nec languore jacuerat. [He joined in battle with such a lion: (yet) his manhood remained erect and did not rest (go limp).]
با چنان شیری به چالش گشت جفت ** مردی او مانده بر پای و نخفت