- A dog's teeth drop out when it grows old: it leaves people (alone) and takes to (eating) dung;
- ریخت دندانهای سگ چون پیر شد ** ترک مردم کرد و سرگینگیر شد
- (But) look at these sexagenarian dogs! Their dog-teeth get sharper at every moment. 1230
- این سگان شصت ساله را نگر ** هر دمی دندان سگشان تیزتر
- The hairs drop from the fur of an old dog; (but) see these old (human) dogs clad in satin!
- پیر سگ را ریخت پشم از پوستین ** این سگان پیر اطلسپوش بین
- See how their passionate desire and greed for women and gold, like the progeny of dogs, is increasing continually!
- عشقشان و حرصشان در فرج و زر ** دم به دم چون نسل سگ بین بیشتر
- Such a life as this, which is Hell's stock-in-trade, is a shambles for the butchers (executioners) of (the Divine) Wrath;
- این چنین عمری که مایهی دوزخ است ** مر قصابان غضب را مسلخ است
- (Yet) when people say to him, “May your life be long!” he is delighted and opens his mouth in laughter.
- چون بگویندش که عمر تو دراز ** میشود دلخوش دهانش از خنده باز
- He thinks a curse like this is a benediction: he never uncloses his (inward) eye or raises his head once (from the slumber of heedlessness). 1235
- این چنین نفرین دعا پندارد او ** چشم نگشاید سری بر نارد او
- If he had seen (even as much as) a hair's tip of the future state, he would have said to him (who wished him long life), “May thy life be like this!”
- گر بدیدی یک سر موی از معاد ** اوش گفتی این چنین عمر تو باد
- Story of the dervish who blessed a man of Gílán, saying, “May God bring thee back in safety to thy home and household!”
- داستان آن درویش کی آن گیلانی را دعا کرد کی خدا ترا به سلامت به خان و مان باز رساناد
- One day a sturdy beggar, (who was) very fond of bread and carried a basket (about with him), accosted a Khwája of Gílán.
- گفت یک روزی به خواجهی گیلیی ** نان پرستی نر گدا زنبیلیی
- On receiving some bread from him, he cried, “O Thou (God) whose help is besought, bring him back happy to his home and household!”
- چون ستد زو نان بگفت ای مستعان ** خوش به خان و مان خود بازش رسان