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  • A true believer travelled along with two miscreants, like reason (associated) with a carnal soul and Devil.
  • با دو گمره همره آمد مومنی  ** چون خرد با نفس و با آهرمنی 
  • In travel the man of Merv and the man of Rayy meet one another as companions on the road and at table.
  • مرغزی و رازی افتند از سفر  ** همره و هم‌سفره پیش هم‌دگر 
  • Crow and owl and falcon come (as captives) into the (same) cage: the holy and the irreligious become mates in prison. 2380
  • در قفص افتند زاغ و جغد و باز  ** جفت شد در حبس پاک و بی‌نماز 
  • At night Easterners and Westerners and Transoxanians make their abode in the same caravanseray.
  • کرده منزل شب به یک کاروانسرا  ** اهل شرق و اهل غرب و ما ورا 
  • Small and great (folk) remain together for days in the caravanseray because of frost and snow.
  • مانده در کاروانسرا خرد و شگرف  ** روزها با هم ز سرما و ز برف 
  • As soon as the road is opened and the obstacle removed, they separate and every one goes in a (different) direction.
  • چون گشاده شد ره و بگشاد بند  ** بسکلند و هر یکی جایی روند 
  • When sovereign Reason breaks the cage, all the birds fly away, each one to a (different) quarter.
  • چون قفس را بشکند شاه خرد  ** جمع مرغان هر یکی سویی پرد 
  • Before this (deliverance) each one, full of longing and lament, spreads its wings towards its destination, in desire for its mate. 2385
  • پر گشاید پیش ازین بر شوق و یاد  ** در هوای جنس خود سوی معاد 
  • At every moment it spreads its wings with tears and sighs, but it has no room or way to fly.
  • پر گشاید هر دمی با اشک و آه  ** لیک پریدن ندارد روی و راه 
  • (As soon as) way is made, each one flies like the wind towards that in remembrance of which it spread its wings.
  • راه شد هر یک پرد مانند باد  ** سوی آن کز یاد آن پر می‌گشاد