The true believer said, “Let this (sweetmeat) be eaten to-night; let us put away self-denial till to-morrow.”
گفت مومن امشب این خورده شود ** صبر را بنهیم تا فردا بود
Then they said to him, “Your purpose in this wisdom-mongering is that you may eat it (all) by yourself.”
پس بدو گفتند زین حکمتگری ** قصد تو آن است تا تنها خوری
“O my friends,” said he, “are not we three persons? Since disagreement has occurred, let us share.
گفت ای یاران نه که ما سه تنیم ** چون خلاف افتاد تا قسمت کنیم
Let him who wishes take his own share to his heart (enjoy it); let him who wishes put his share in hiding.”
هرکه خواهد قسم خود بر جان زند ** هرکه خواهد قسم خود پنهان کند
The two (others) said to him, “Abandon (the thought of) sharing: give ear to (the words) ‘The sharer is in Hell-fire’ from the Traditions (of the Prophet).”2410
آن دو گفتندش ز قسمت در گذر ** گوش کن قسام فیالنار از خبر
He replied, “The sharer (referred to) is he that has shared himself between sensuality and God.”
گفت قسام آن بود کو خویش را ** کرد قسمت بر هوا و بر خدا
Thou art God's property and His share entirely: (if) thou givest the share (of God) to another, thou art a dualist.
ملک حق و جمله قسم اوستی ** قسم دیگر را دهی دوگوستی
This lion would have prevailed over the curs, if it had not been the turn of those evil-natured ones (to prevail).
این اسد غالب شدی هم بر سگان ** گر نبودی نوبت آن بدرگان
’Twas their intention that the Moslem should suffer pain and pass the night in want of food.
قصدشان آن کان مسلمان غم خورد ** شب برو در بینوایی بگذرد
He was overpowered: he said, with resignation and acquiescence, “My friends, I hear and obey.”2415
بود مغلوب او به تسلیم و رضا ** گفت سمعا طاعة اصحابنا