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  • O King whose course is concealed (from view), the time is come for Thee graciously to make a movement (sign) with Thy beard in clemency.
  • وقت آن شد ای شه مکتوم‌سیر  ** کز کرم ریشی بجنبانی به خیر 
  • Each one (of us) has displayed his specialty: all those talents have (only) increased (our) ill-fortune. 2910
  • هر یکی خاصیت خود را نمود  ** آن هنرها جمله بدبختی فزود 
  • Those talents have bound our necks, by those high attainments we are (thrown) headlong and (laid) low.
  • آن هنرها گردن ما را ببست  ** زان مناصب سرنگوساریم و پست 
  • (Our) talent is a cord of palm-fibre on our neck: there is no help (to be gained) from those accomplishments on the day of death.”
  • آن هنر فی جیدنا حبل مسد  ** روز مردن نیست زان فنها مدد 
  • (None of them avails) save only the specialty of that man endowed with goodly perceptions whose eye was recognising the Sultan in the (darkness of) night.
  • جز همان خاصیت آن خوش‌حواس  ** که به شب بد چشم او سلطان‌شناس 
  • All those talents were (as) ghouls (waylaying travellers) on the road, except (that of) the eye which was aware of the King.
  • آن هنرها جمله غول راه بود  ** غیر چشمی کو ز شه آگاه بود 
  • On the day of audience the King was ashamed (to refuse the petition) of him whose gaze was (fixed) on the King's face at night. 2915
  • شاه را شرم از وی آمد روز بار  ** که به شب بر روی شه بودش نظار 
  • And the dog that is acquainted with the loving King—even him you must entitle “the Dog of the Cave.”
  • وان سگ آگاه از شاه وداد  ** خود سگ کهفش لقب باید نهاد 
  • Excellent, too, is the specialty (residing) in the ear; for he (who possesses it) by (hearing) the bark of a dog is made aware of the Lion.
  • خاصیت در گوش هم نیکو بود  ** کو به بانگ سگ ز شیر آگه شود 
  • When the dog is awake during the night, like a watchman, he is not ignorant of the nightly vigil of the (spiritual) kings.
  • سگ چو بیدارست شب چون پاسبان  ** بی‌خبر نبود ز شبخیز شهان