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  • Collectedness is not the result of bodily multitude: know that body, like name, is built on (empty) air. 3045
  • نیست جمعیت ز بسیاری جسم  ** جسم را بر باد قایم دان چو اسم 
  • If there were any collectedness in the heart of the mouse, a number of mice would be collected (united) by a feeling of indignation,
  • در دل موش ار بدی جمعیتی  ** جمع گشتی چند موش از حمیتی 
  • And, rushing up like assassins, they would throw themselves on a cat without (giving her) any respite.
  • بر زدندی چون فدایی حمله‌ای  ** خویش را بر گربه‌ی بی‌مهله‌ای 
  • One would tear out her eyes in conflict (with her), while another would rip her ears with its teeth,
  • آن یکی چشمش بکندی از ضراب  ** وان دگر گوشش دریدی هم به ناب 
  • And another make a hole in her side: there would be no way of escape for her from the united party.
  • وان دگر سوراخ کردی پهلوش  ** از جماعت گم شدی بیرون شوش 
  • But the soul of the mouse has no collectedness: at the miaul of a cat (all) its wits fly out of its soul. 3050
  • لیک جمعیت ندارد جان موش  ** بجهد از جانش به بانگ گربه هوش 
  • The mouse is paralysed by the wily cat, (even) if the numbers of the mice amount to a hundred thousand.
  • خشک گردد موش زان گربه‌ی عیار  ** گر بود اعداد موشان صد هزار 
  • What cares the butcher for the numerous flock (of sheep)? How can abundance of consciousness prevent (the approach of) slumber?
  • از رمه‌ی انبه چه غم قصاب را  ** انبهی هش چه بندد خواب را 
  • He (God) is the Lord of the kingdom: He gives collectedness to the lion, so that he springs on the herd of onagers.
  • مالک الملک است جمعیت دهد  ** شیر را تا بر گله‌ی گوران جهد 
  • A hundred thousand savage and courageous onagers are as naught before the onset of the lion.
  • صد هزاران گور ده‌شاخ و دلیر  ** چون عدم باشند پیش صول شیر