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  • But if you would only look, (you would see that) the guide whom you have chosen for the journey is (even) blinder than you.
  • وان عصاکش که گزیدی در سفر  ** خود ببینی باشد از تو کورتر 
  • Grasp in a blind man's fashion the rope of Allah: do not cling to aught but the Divine commandments and prohibitions.
  • دست کورانه به حبل الله زن  ** جز بر امر و نهی یزدانی متن 
  • What is the rope of Allah? To renounce self-will, for this self-will was a roaring wind (of destruction) to (the people of) ‘Ád.
  • چیست حبل‌الله رها کردن هوا  ** کین هوا شد صرصری مر عاد را 
  • ’Tis from self-will that folk are sitting in gaol, ’tis from self-will that the (trapped) bird's wings are tied.
  • خلق در زندان نشسته از هواست  ** مرغ را پرها ببسته از هواست 
  • ’Tis from self-will that the fish is (cooked) in a hot pan, ’tis from self-will that shame (bashfulness) is gone from the modest. 3495
  • ماهی اندر تابه‌ی گرم از هواست  ** رفته از مستوریان شرم از هواست 
  • The anger of the police magistrate is a fiery spark from self-will; crucifixion and the awfulness of the gallows are (the consequence) of self-will.
  • خشم شحنه شعله‌ی نار از هواست  ** چارمیخ و هیبت دار از هواست 
  • You have seen the magistrate (who carries out the punishment) of bodies on the earth: (now) see also the magistrate who executes judgements against the soul.
  • شحنه‌ی اجسام دیدی بر زمین  ** شحنه‌ی احکام جان را هم ببین 
  • Verily tortures are inflicted on the soul in the world invisible, but until you escape (from self-will) the torture is concealed (from view).
  • روح را در غیب خود اشکنجه‌هاست  ** لیک تا نجهی شکنجه در خفاست 
  • When you are freed you will behold the torture and perdition (of the soul), because contrary is made manifest by contrary.
  • چون رهیدی بینی اشکنجه و دمار  ** زانک ضد از ضد گردد آشکار 
  • He that was born in the well (of the material world) and the black water, how should he know the pleasantness of the open country and (distinguish it from) the pain of (being in) the well? 3500
  • آنک در چه زاد و در آب سیاه  ** او چه داند لطف دشت و رنج چاه