Since the (individual) soul and breath have been effaced from the mote, its strife now is only the strife of the sun,
چون ز ذره محو شد نفس و نفس ** جنگش اکنون جنگ خورشیدست بس
(Its) natural movement and rest have gone from it—by what (means)? By means of Verily unto Him we are returning.
رفت از وی جنبش طبع و سکون ** از چه از انا الیه راجعون
We have returned from ourselves to Thy sea and have sucked from the source that suckled us.
ما به بحر تو ز خود راجع شدیم ** وز رضاع اصل مسترضع شدیم
O thou who, on account of the ghoul, hast remained in the derivatives (unessentials) of the Way, do not boast of (possessing) the fundamental principles (thereof), O unprincipled man.
در فروغ راه ای مانده ز غول ** لاف کم زن از اصول ای بیاصول
Our war and our peace is in the light of the Essence: ’tis not from us, ’tis between the two fingers (of God).45
جنگ ما و صلح ما در نور عین ** نیست از ما هست بین اصبعین
War of nature, war of action, war of speech—there is a terrible conflict amongst the parts (of the universe).
جنگ طبعی جنگ فعلی جنگ قول ** در میان جزوها حربیست هول
This world is maintained by means of this war: consider the elements, in order that it (the difficulty) may be solved.
این جهان زن جنگ قایم میبود ** در عناصر در نگر تا حل شود
The four elements are four strong pillars by which the roof of the present world is (kept) upright.
چار عنصر چار استون قویست ** که بدیشان سقف دنیا مستویست
Each pillar is a destroyer of the other: the pillar (known as) water is a destroyer of the flames (of fire).
هر ستونی اشکنندهی آن دگر ** استن آب اشکنندهی آن شرر
Hence the edifice of creation is (based) upon contraries; consequently we are at war for weal and woe.50
پس بنای خلق بر اضداد بود ** لاجرم ما جنگییم از ضر و سود