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  • The wind says, “I am a messenger from the King of mankind: now I bring good news, now calamitous and bad;
  • باد گوید پیکم از شاه بشر  ** گه خبر خیر آورم گه شوم و شر 
  • For I am subject to command, I am not in command of myself: when am I forgetful, like thee, of my King?
  • ز آنک مامورم امیر خود نیم  ** من چو تو غافل ز شاه خود کیم 
  • If thy (spiritual) state resembled that of Solomon, I should have carried thee as (I carried) Solomon.
  • گر سلیمان‌وار بودی حال تو  ** چون سلیمان گشتمی حمال تو 
  • I am (only) lent (to thee); I should have become a possession in thy hand: I should have made thee acquainted with my mystery. 4695
  • عاریه‌ستم گشتمی ملک کفت  ** کردمی بر راز خود من واقفت 
  • But since thou art rebellious and I am (only) taken on loan to serve thee for three or four days,
  • لیک چون تو یاغیی من مستعار  ** می‌کنم خدمت ترا روزی سه چار 
  • Therefore I will lay thee low, like ‘Ád, and dash away in revolt from thy army,
  • پس چو عادت سرنگونی‌ها دهم  ** ز اسپه تو یاغیانه بر جهم 
  • In order that thy faith in the Unseen may become firm at the moment when thy faith is (only) a source of woe.”
  • تا به غیب ایمان تو محکم شود  ** آن زمان که ایمانت مایه‌ی غم شود 
  • (For) at that moment, in sooth, all become believers: at that moment even the (most) headstrong run on their heads.
  • آن زمان خود جملگان مؤمن شوند  ** آن زمان خود سرکشان بر سر دوند 
  • At that moment they cry piteously and make humble supplication, like robbers and brigands under the gibbet. 4700
  • آن زمان زاری کنند و افتقار  ** هم‌چو دزد و راه‌زن در زیر دار 
  • But if you become upright in (your faith in) the Unseen, you are owner of the two worlds and a magistrate (exercising sovereign authority) over yourself.
  • لیک گر در غیب گردی مستوی  ** مالک دارین و شحنه‌ی خود توی