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  • How should folk praise (any one) except Him who (alone) has the right (to be praised)?—but they go astray on (the ground of) a vain fancy.
  • مدحها جز مستحق را کی کنند ** لیک بر پنداشت گم‌ره می‌شوند
  • The Light of God in relation to phenomena is as a light shining upon a wall—the wall is a link (focus) for these splendours:
  • همچو نوری تافته بر حایطی ** حایط آن انوار را چون رابطی
  • Necessarily, when the reflexion moved towards its source, he who had gone astray lost the moon and ceased from praise;
  • لاجرم چون سایه سوی اصل راند ** ضال مه گم کرد و ز استایش بماند
  • Or (again) a reflexion of the moon appeared from a well, and he (the misguided one) put his head into the well and was praising that same (reflexion):
  • یا ز چاهی عکس ماهی وا نمود ** سر بچه در کرد و آن را می‌ستود
  • In truth he is a praiser of the moon, although his ignorance has turned its face towards its (the moon's) reflexion. 2130
  • در حقیقت مادح ماهست او ** گرچه جهل او بعکسش کرد رو
  • His praise belongs to the moon, not to that reflexion, (but) that (praise) becomes infidelity when the matter is misapprehended;
  • مدح او مه‌راست نه آن عکس را ** کفر شد آن چون غلط شد ماجرا
  • For that bold man was led astray by (his) perdition: the moon was above, while he fancied it was below.
  • کز شقاوت گشت گم‌ره آن دلیر ** مه به بالا بود و او پنداشت زیر
  • The people are distracted by these idols (objects of desire), and (afterwards) they repent of the lust which they have indulged,
  • زین بتان خلقان پریشان می‌شوند ** شهوت رانده پشیمان می‌شوند
  • Because he (such a one) has indulged his lust with a phantom and has remained farther away from the Reality (than he was before).
  • زآنک شهوت با خیالی رانده است ** وز حقیقت دورتر وا مانده است
  • Your desire for a phantom is like a wing, so that by means of that wing he (the seeker) may ascend to the Reality. 2135
  • با خیالی میل تو چون پر بود ** تا بدان پر بر حقیقت بر شود
  • When you have indulged a lust, your wing drops off; you become lame, and that phantom flees from you.
  • چون براندی شهوتی پرت بریخت ** لنگ گشتی و آن خیال از تو گریخت
  • Preserve the wing and do not indulge such lust, to the end that the wing of desire may bear you to Paradise.
  • پر نگه دار و چنین شهوت مران ** تا پر میلت برد سوی جنان
  • The people fancy they are enjoying themselves: they are (really) tearing out their wings for the sake of a phantom.
  • خلق پندارند عشرت می‌کنند ** بر خیالی پر خود بر می‌کنند
  • I have become a debtor for (I owe) the explanation of this topic. Give me time, I am destitute; on that account I keep silence.
  • وام‌دار شرح این نکته شدم ** مهلتم ده معسرم زان تن زدم
  • How the company followed the leadership of Daqúqí.
  • اقتدا کردن قوم از پس دقوقی
  • Daqúqí advanced to perform the prayer: the company were (as) the satin robe and he (as) the embroidered border. 2140
  • پیش در شد آن دقوقی در نماز ** قوم همچون اطلس آمد او طراز
  • Those (spiritual) kings followed his leadership, (standing) in a row behind that renowned exemplar.
  • اقتدا کردند آن شاهان قطار ** در پی آن مقتدای نامدار
  • When they pronounced the takbírs, they went forth from this world, like a sacrifice.
  • چونک با تکبیرها مقرون شدند ** همچو قربان از جهان بیرون شدند
  • O Imám, the (real) meaning of the takbír is this: “We have become a sacrifice, O God, before Thee.”
  • معنی تکبیر اینست ای امام ** کای خدا پیش تو ما قربان شدیم
  • At the moment of slaughtering (the victim) you say Alláh akbar: even so (do) in slaughtering the fleshly soul which ought to be killed.
  • وقت ذبح الله اکبر می‌کنی ** همچنین در ذبح نفس کشتنی
  • The body is like Ismá‘íl (Ishmael), and the spirit like Abraham: the spirit has pronounced the takbír over the noble body. 2145
  • تن چو اسمعیل و جان همچون خلیل ** کرد جان تکبیر بر جسم نبیل
  • By lusts and desires the body was (merely) killed, (but) by (the words) bismilláh (uttered) in the ritual prayer it was sacrificed.
  • گشت کشته تن ز شهوتها و آز ** شد به بسم الله بسمل در نماز
  • Whilst performing the prayer (they were) drawn up in ranks before God, as at the Resurrection, and engaged in self-examination and orisons,
  • چون قیامت پیش حق صفها زده ** در حساب و در مناجات آمده
  • Standing in God's presence and shedding tears, like one who rises erect on (the Day of) rising from the dead.
  • ایستاده پیش یزدان اشک‌ریز ** بر مثال راست‌خیز رستخیز
  • (On that Day) God will say, “What hast thou produced for Me during this term of respite which I gave thee?
  • حق همی‌گوید چه آوردی مرا ** اندرین مهلت که دادم من ترا
  • In what (work) hast thou brought thy life to its end? In what hast thou consumed thy food and strength? 2150
  • عمر خود را در چه پایان برده‌ای ** قوت و قوت در چه فانی کرده‌ای