The eye of sense-perception is only like the palm of the hand: the palm hath not power to reach the whole of him (the elephant).
چشم حس همچون کف دستست و بس ** نیست کف را بر همهی او دسترس
The eye of the Sea is one thing, and the foam another: leave the foam and look with the eye of the Sea.1270
چشم دریا دیگرست و کف دگر ** کف بهل وز دیدهی دریا نگر
Day and night (there is) the movement of foam-flecks from the Sea: thou beholdest the foam, but not the Sea. Marvellous!
جنبش کفها ز دریا روز و شب ** کف همیبینی و دریا نه عجب
We are dashing against each other, like boats: our eyes are darkened, though we are in the clear water.
ما چو کشتیها بهم بر میزنیم ** تیرهچشمیم و در آب روشنیم
O thou that hast gone to sleep in the body's boat, thou hast seen the water, (but) look on the Water of the water.
ای تو در کشتی تن رفته به خواب ** آب را دیدی نگر در آب آب
The water hath a Water that is driving it; the spirit hath a Spirit that is calling it.
آب را آبیست کو میراندش ** روح را روحیست کو میخواندش
Where were Moses and Jesus when the (Divine) Sun was giving water to the sown field of existent things?1275
موسی و عیسی کجا بد کفتاب ** کشت موجودات را میداد آب
Where were Adam and Eve at the time when God fitted this string to the bow?
آدم و حوا کجا بد آن زمان ** که خدا افکند این زه در کمان
This (manner of) speech, too, is imperfect and maimed; the speech that is not imperfect is Yonder.
این سخن هم ناقص است و ابترست ** آن سخن که نیست ناقص آن سرست
If he (the saint) speak from that (source), thy foot will stumble; and if he speak naught of that, oh, alas for thee!
گر بگوید زان بلغزد پای تو ** ور نگوید هیچ از آن ای وای تو
And if he speak in the likeness of a (material) form, thou wilt stick to that form, O youth.
ور بگوید در مثال صورتی ** بر همان صورت بچفسی ای فتی
Thou art foot-bound on the earth, like grass: thou noddest thy head at a (breath of) wind, (though thou art) without certainty.1280
بستهپایی چون گیا اندر زمین ** سر بجنبانی ببادی بییقین
But thou hast no (spiritual) foot that thou shouldest make a departure or perchance drag thy foot out of this mud.
لیک پایت نیست تا نقلی کنی ** یا مگر پا را ازین گل بر کنی
How shouldest thou drag thy foot away? Thy life is from this mud: ’tis mighty hard for this life of thine to go (on the Way to God).
چون کنی پا را حیاتت زین گلست ** این حیاتت را روش بس مشکلست
(But) when thou receivest life from God, O dependent one, then thou wilt become independent of the mud and wilt go (aloft).
چون حیات از حق بگیری ای روی ** پس شوی مستغنی از گل میروی
When the sucking (babe) is separated from its nurse, it becomes an eater of morsels and abandons her.
شیر خواره چون ز دایه بسکلد ** لوتخواره شد مرورا میهلد
Thou, like seeds, art in bondage to the milk of earth: seek to wean thyself by (partaking of) the spiritual food.1285
بستهی شیر زمینی چون حبوب ** جو فطام خویش از قوت القلوب
Drink the word of Wisdom, for it hath become a hidden (veiled) light, O thou who art unable to receive the unveiled Light,
حرف حکمت خور که شد نور ستیر ** ای تو نور بیحجب را ناپذیر
To the end that thou mayst become able, O Soul, to receive the Light, and that thou mayst behold without veils that which (now) is hidden,
تا پذیرا گردی ای جان نور را ** تا ببینی بیحجب مستور را
And traverse the sky like a star; nay, (that thou mayst) journey unconditioned, without (any) sky.
چون ستاره سیر بر گردون کنی ** بلک بی گردون سفر بیچون کنی
(’Twas) thus thou camest into being from non-existence. Say now, how didst thou come? Thou camest drunken (unconscious).
آنچنان کز نیست در هست آمدی ** هین بگو چون آمدی مست آمدی
The ways of thy coming are not remembered by thee, but we will recite to thee a hint (thereof).1290
راههای آمدن یادت نماند ** لیک رمزی بر تو بر خواهیم خواند
Let thy mind go, and then be mindful! Close thine ear, and then listen!
هوش را بگذار وانگه هوشدار ** گوش را بر بند وانگه گوش دار
Nay, I will not tell (it), because thou still art unripe: thou art in (thy) springtime, thou hast not seen (the month of) Tamúz.
نه نگویم زانک خامی تو هنوز ** در بهاری تو ندیدستی تموز
This world is even as the tree, O noble ones: we are like the half-ripened fruit upon it.
این جهان همچون درختست ای کرام ** ما برو چون میوههای نیمخام
The unripe (fruits) cling fast to the bough, because during (their) immaturity they are not meet for the palace.
سخت گیرد خامها مر شاخ را ** زانک در خامی نشاید کاخ را
When they have ripened and have become sweet—after that, biting their lips, they take (but) a feeble hold of the boughs.1295
چون بپخت و گشت شیرین لبگزان ** سست گیرد شاخها را بعد از آن
When the mouth has been sweetened by that felicity, the kingdom of the world becomes cold (unpleasing) to Man.
چون از آن اقبال شیرین شد دهان ** سرد شد بر آدمی ملک جهان
To take a tight hold and to attach one's self strongly (to the world) is (a sign of) unripeness: so long as thou art an embryo, thy occupation is blood-drinking.
سختگیری و تعصب خامی است ** تا جنینی کار خونآشامی است
Another thing remains (to be said), but the Holy Spirit will tell thee the tale of it, without me.
چیز دیگر ماند اما گفتنش ** با تو روح القدس گوید بی منش
Nay, thou wilt tell it even to thine own ear—neither I nor another than I (will tell it thee), O thou that art even I—
نه تو گویی هم بگوش خویشتن ** نه من ونه غیرمن ای هم تو من
Just as, when thou fallest asleep, thou goest from the presence of thyself into the presence of thyself:1300
همچو آن وقتی که خواب اندر روی ** تو ز پیش خود به پیش خود شوی
Thou hearest from thyself, and deemest that such or such a one has secretly told thee in the dream that (which thou hast heard).
بشنوی از خویش و پنداری فلان ** با تو اندر خواب گفتست آن نهان
Thou art not a single “thou,” O good comrade; nay, thou art the sky and the deep sea.
تو یکی تو نیستی ای خوش رفیق ** بلک گردونی ودریای عمیق
Thy mighty “Thou,” which is nine hundredfold, is the ocean and the drowning-place of a hundred “thou's.”
آن تو زفتت که آن نهصدتوست ** قلزمست وغرقه گاه صد توست
Indeed, what occasion (is there) for the terms wakefulness and sleep? Do not speak, for God knoweth best what is right.
خود چه جای حد بیداریست و خواب ** دم مزن والله اعلم بالصواب
Do not speak, so that thou mayst hear from the Speakers that which came not into utterance or into explanation.1305
دم مزن تا بشنوی از دم ز نان ** آنچ نامد در زبان و در بیان
Do not speak, so that thou mayst hear from the Sun that which came not into book or into allocution.
دم مزن تا بشنوی زان آفتاب ** آنچ نامد درکتاب و در خطاب
Do not speak, so that the Spirit may speak for thee: in the ark of Noah leave off swimming!
دم مزن تا دم زند بهر تو روح ** آشنا بگذار در کشتی نوح
(Be not) like Canaan, who was swimming and saying, “I do not want the ark of Noah, (who is) my enemy.”
همچو کنعان کشنا میکرد او ** که نخواهم کشتی نوح عدو
(Noah said), “Hey, come and sit in thy father's ark, that thou mayst not be drowned in the Flood, O despicable one!”
هی بیا در کشتی بابا نشین ** تا نگردی غرق طوفان ای مهین
He answered, “Nay, I have learned to swim: I have lighted a candle other than thy candle.”1310
گفت نه من آشنا آموختم ** من بجز شمع تو شمع افروختم
(Noah said), “Beware! Do it not, for these waves are the Flood of tribulation; to-day hand and foot and swimming are naught.
هین مکن کین موج طوفان بلاست ** دست و پا و آشنا امروز لاست
’Tis the wind of vengeance and the woe that extinguishes the candle (of contrivance). No candle but God's is enduring. Be silent!”
باد قهرست و بلای شمع کش ** جز که شمع حق نمیپاید خمش
He said, “Nay, I will go up that high mountain: that mountain will protect me from every hurt.”
گفت نه رفتم برآن کوه بلند ** عاصمست آن که مرا از هر گزند
(Noah said), “Beware! Do it not, for at this time the mountain is (but) a straw. He giveth safety to none except His beloved.”
هین مکن که کوه کاهست این زمان ** جز حبیب خویش را ندهد امان
He answered, “When have I listened to thy advice, that thou shouldst hope (as thou didst) that I am of this family?1315
گفت من کی پند تو بشنودهام ** که طمع کردی که من زین دودهام
Thy words were never pleasing to me: I am quit of thee in both worlds.”
خوش نیامد گفت تو هرگز مرا ** من بریام از تو در هر دو سرا
(Noah said), “Beware, bábá, do it not, for (this) is not the day for disdain. God hath no kinship or partner.
هین مکن بابا که روز ناز نیست ** مر خدا را خویش وانباز نیست
Until now thou hast shown (disdain), and at this moment there is disdain (on the part of God): whose disdain is of any effect in this Court?