- The eye of sense-perception is only like the palm of the hand: the palm hath not power to reach the whole of him (the elephant).
- چشم حس همچون کف دستست و بس ** نیست کف را بر همهی او دسترس
- The eye of the Sea is one thing, and the foam another: leave the foam and look with the eye of the Sea. 1270
- چشم دریا دیگرست و کف دگر ** کف بهل وز دیدهی دریا نگر
- Day and night (there is) the movement of foam-flecks from the Sea: thou beholdest the foam, but not the Sea. Marvellous!
- جنبش کفها ز دریا روز و شب ** کف همیبینی و دریا نه عجب
- We are dashing against each other, like boats: our eyes are darkened, though we are in the clear water.
- ما چو کشتیها بهم بر میزنیم ** تیرهچشمیم و در آب روشنیم
- O thou that hast gone to sleep in the body's boat, thou hast seen the water, (but) look on the Water of the water.
- ای تو در کشتی تن رفته به خواب ** آب را دیدی نگر در آب آب
- The water hath a Water that is driving it; the spirit hath a Spirit that is calling it.
- آب را آبیست کو میراندش ** روح را روحیست کو میخواندش
- Where were Moses and Jesus when the (Divine) Sun was giving water to the sown field of existent things? 1275
- موسی و عیسی کجا بد کفتاب ** کشت موجودات را میداد آب
- Where were Adam and Eve at the time when God fitted this string to the bow?
- آدم و حوا کجا بد آن زمان ** که خدا افکند این زه در کمان
- This (manner of) speech, too, is imperfect and maimed; the speech that is not imperfect is Yonder.
- این سخن هم ناقص است و ابترست ** آن سخن که نیست ناقص آن سرست
- If he (the saint) speak from that (source), thy foot will stumble; and if he speak naught of that, oh, alas for thee!
- گر بگوید زان بلغزد پای تو ** ور نگوید هیچ از آن ای وای تو