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  • Or to vain fancies which it worships in the darkness for the sake of fame?
  • یا خیالاتی که در ظلمات او ** می‌پرستدشان برای گفت و گو
  • The heart is naught but the Sea of Light: is the heart the place for vision of God—and then blind?
  • دل نباشد غیر آن دریای نور ** دل نظرگاه خدا وانگاه کور
  • The heart is not (contained) in hundreds of thousands (of persons) noble or common; it is in a single one: which is he? Which? 2270
  • نه دل اندر صد هزاران خاص و عام ** در یکی باشد کدامست آن کدام
  • Leave (what is only) a fragment of the heart and seek the (perfect) heart, in order that by means of it that fragment may become as a mountain.
  • ریزه‌ی دل را بهل دل را بجو ** تا شود آن ریزه چون کوهی ازو
  • The (perfect) heart is encompassing (the whole of) this realm of existence and scattering gold in beneficence and bounty.
  • دل محیطست اندرین خطه‌ی وجود ** زر همی‌افشاند از احسان و جود
  • It chooses to lavish blessings derived from the Blessedness of God upon the people of the world.
  • از سلام حق سلامیها نثار ** می‌کند بر اهل عالم اختیار
  • Whosoever's skirt is right and ready, the largesse of the heart comes to that person.
  • هر که را دامن درستست و معد ** آن نثار دل بر آنکس می‌رسد
  • Your skirt (to catch that largesse) is supplication and presence (with God): beware, do not put in your skirt the stone of iniquity, 2275
  • دامن تو آن نیازست و حضور ** هین منه در دامن آن سنگ فجور
  • In order that your skirt may not be torn by those stones and that you may distinguish the sterling coin (of truth) from the colours (of falsehood).
  • تا ندرد دامنت زان سنگها ** تا بدانی نقد را از رنگها
  • You have filled your skirt with stones (of iniquity) from this world, and also with stones of silver and gold, as children (do).
  • سنگ پر کردی تو دامن از جهان ** هم ز سنگ سیم و زر چون کودکان
  • Inasmuch as from that fancy of silver and gold there was no (real) gold, the skirt of your sincerity was rent and your sorrow increased.
  • از خیال سیم و زر چون زر نبود ** دامن صدقت درید و غم فزود
  • How should the (coloured) stone appear to the children as stone, till Reason lays hold of their skirts?
  • کی نماید کودکان را سنگ سنگ ** تا نگیرد عقل دامنشان به چنگ
  • The Elder (Pír) is Reason, not that white hair (of eld): hair is not contained in (has nothing to do with) this fortune and hope (which is bestowed by Reason). 2280
  • پیر عقل آمد نه آن موی سپید ** مو نمی‌گنجد درین بخت و امید
  • How the company (of the Seven) took offence at Daqúqí's invocation and intercession, and flew away and disappeared in the Veil of the Unseen World; and how Daqúqí was bewildered (and did not know) whether they had gone into the air or on the earth.
  • انکار کردن آن جماعت بر دعا و شفاعت دقوقی و پریدن ایشان و ناپیدا شدن در پرده‌ی غیب و حیران شدن دقوقی کی در هوا رفتند یا در زمین
  • “When the ship was saved and (the voyagers) attained to their desire, simultaneously the (ritual) prayer of that company was finished.
  • چون رهید آن کشتی و آمد بکام ** شد نماز آن جماعت هم تمام
  • They began to murmur to one another, saying, ‘O father, which of us is this (interfering) busybody?’
  • فجفجی افتادشان با همدگر ** کین فضولی کیست از ما ای پدر
  • Each one spoke in secret to the other, (whilst they were) concealed (from view) behind Daqúqí's back,
  • هر یکی با آن دگر گفتند سر ** از پس پشت دقوقی مستتر
  • And each one said, ‘I did not make this invocation just now, either externally or internally.’
  • گفت هر یک من نکردستم کنون ** این دعا نه از برون نه از درون
  • He (one of the company) said, ‘It would seem that this Imám of ours, (moved) by grief, has meddlesomely offered an orison.’ 2285
  • گفت مانا این امام ما ز درد ** بوالفضولانه مناجاتی بکرد
  • Said the other, ‘O thou who art familiar with (intuitive) certainty, so it appears to me too.
  • گفت آن دیگر که ای یار یقین ** مر مرا هم می‌نماید این چنین
  • He has been meddlesome: (prompted) by distress he has interfered with Him who chooseth (as He pleaseth), the Absolute One.’
  • او فضولی بوده است از انقباض ** کرد بر مختار مطلق اعتراض
  • When I looked behind (me) to see what those noble ones were saying,
  • چون نگه کردم سپس تا بنگرم ** که چه می‌گویند آن اهل کرم
  • I did not see one of them in their place: they had all gone from their place.
  • یک ازیشان را ندیدم در مقام ** رفته بودند از مقام خود تمام
  • (They were) neither on the left nor on the right nor above nor below: my keen eye was unable to find the company (anywhere). 2290
  • نه به چپ نه راست نه بالا نه زیر ** چشم تیز من نشد بر قوم چیر
  • You might say that they were pearls (which) had become water: there was neither footprint nor any dust (to show where they had gone) in the desert.
  • درها بودند گویی آب گشت ** نه نشان پا و نه گردی بدشت
  • At that moment they all (had) entered into the tents of God: into what garden had the troop (of them) gone?
  • در قباب حق شدند آن دم همه ** در کدامین روضه رفتند آن رمه
  • I remained in amazement as to how God caused this company to be concealed from mine eye.”
  • درتحیر ماندم کین قوم را ** چون بپوشانید حق بر چشم ما
  • In such wise did they vanish from his eye, like the plunge of fishes into the water of a stream.
  • آنچنان پنهان شدند از چشم او ** مثل غوطه‌ی ماهیان در آب جو
  • During (many) years he continued to grieve for (the loss of) them; during (many) lifetimes he shed tears in longing for them. 2295
  • سالها درحسرت ایشان بماند ** عمرها در شوق ایشان اشک راند
  • You may say, “How should a man of God bring into view the thought of (take any thought of) human beings beside God?”
  • تو بگویی مرد حق اندر نظر ** کی در آرد با خدا ذکر بشر
  • You are in a hole here, O so-and-so, because you have regarded them as flesh, not as spirit.
  • خر ازین می‌خسپد اینجا ای فلان ** که بشر دیدی تو ایشان را نه جان
  • You have come to ruin, O foolish man, because like the vulgar you regarded them as human beings.
  • کار ازین ویران شدست ای مرد خام ** که بشر دیدی مر ایشان را چو عام
  • You have regarded (them) in the same way as the accursed Iblís (regarded Adam): he said, “I am of fire, (while) Adam is of earth.”
  • تو همان دیدی که ابلیس لعین ** گفت من از آتشم آدم ز طین
  • Bandage your Satanic eye for one moment: how long, pray, will you regard the (external) form? How long, how long? 2300
  • چشم ابلیسانه را یک دم ببند ** چند بینی صورت آخر چند چند
  • O Daqúqí with (thy) streaming eyes, come, do not abandon hope: seek them!
  • ای دقوقی با دو چشم همچو جو ** هین مبر اومید ایشان را بجو
  • Come, seek (them), for search is the pillar (foundation) of fortune: every success consists in (depends on) fixing the heart (upon the object of desire).
  • هین بجو که رکن دولت جستن است ** هر گشادی در دل اندر بستن است
  • Unconcerned with all the business of the world, keep saying with (all) thy soul kú, kú, like the dove.
  • از همه کار جهان پرداخته ** کو و کو می‌گو بجان چون فاخته
  • Consider this well, O thou who art veiled (by worldliness), that God hath tied “invocation” to “I will answer.”
  • نیک بنگر اندرین ای محتجب ** که دعا را بست حق در استجب
  • Whosoever's heart is purged of infirmity, his invocation will go unto the Lord of glory. 2305
  • هر که را دل پاک شد از اعتلال ** آن دعااش می‌رود تا ذوالجلال
  • Explaining further the story of him who in the time of David, on whom be peace, sought to receive (from God) lawful means of livelihood without working or taking trouble, and how his prayer was answered favourably.
  • باز شرح کردن حکایت آن طالب روزی حلال بی کسب و رنج در عهد داود علیه السلام و مستجاب شدن دعای او
  • The story has come into my mind how that poor man used to moan and lament day and night,
  • یادم آمد آن حکایت کان فقیر ** روز و شب می‌کرد افغان و نفیر
  • And beg of God a lawful means of livelihood without pursuit and trouble and work and movement (from one place to another).
  • وز خدا می‌خواست روزی حلال ** بی شکار و رنج و کسب و انتقال
  • We have formerly related a part of what happened to him, but hindrance intervened and became fivefold.
  • پیش ازین گفتیم بعضی حال او ** لیک تعویق آمد و شد پنج‌تو
  • (Now) too we shall tell( the rest of) it. Whither will it (the story) flee, since wisdom has poured (on us) from the clouds of God’s bounty?
  • هم بگوییمش کجا خواهد گریخت ** چون ز ابر فضل حق حکمت بریخت
  • The owner of the cow espied him and said “Hey, O you to whose unrighteousness my cow has fallen a prey, 2310
  • صاحب گاوش بدید و گفت هین ** ای بظلمت گاو من گشته رهین
  • Hey, tell (me) why did you kill my cow? Fool! Cutpurse! Deal fairly (with me).”
  • هین چراکشتی بگو گاو مرا ** ابله طرار انصاف اندر آ
  • He said, “I was begging God for daily bread and preparing aqibla(for myself) of supplication.
  • گفت من روزی ز حق می‌خواستم ** قبله را از لابه می‌آراستم
  • That ancient prayer of mine was answered (by God). She (the cow) was my portion of daily bread: I killed her. Behold the answer (to your question)!”
  • آن دعای کهنه‌ام شد مستجاب ** روزی من بود کشتم نک جواب
  • He (the owner of the cow) came angrily and seized his collar; having lost patience, he struck him in the face with his fist several times.
  • او ز خشم آمد گریبانش گرفت ** چند مشتی زد به رویش ناشکفت
  • How both the adversaries went to David, on whom be peace.
  • رفتن هر دو خصم نزد داود علیه السلام
  • He led him to the Prophet David, saying, “Come, O you crazy fool and criminal! 2315
  • می‌کشیدش تا به داود نبی ** که بیا ای ظالم گیج غبی
  • Drop (this) silly argument, O impostor; let (some) intelligence into your body and come to your senses!
  • حجت بارد رها کن ای دغا ** عقل در تن آور و با خویش آ
  • What is this that you are saying? What is the prayer (you speak of)? Do not laugh at my head and beard and your own (too), O scoundrel!”
  • این چه می‌گویی دعا چه بود مخند ** بر سر و و ریش من و خویش ای لوند