میدوی در کوی و بازار و سرا ** چون کسی کاو گم کند گوساله را 1690
- You are running in street and market and into houses, like one that should lose a calf.
خواجه خیر است این دوادو چیستت ** گم شده اینجا که داری کیستت
- (Somebody asks), “Is it good (news), Sir? Why are you running to and fro? Who belonging to you is it that you have lost here?”
گوییاش خیر است لیکن خیر من ** کس نشاید که بداند غیر من
- “It is good (news),” you tell him, “but none may know my good (news) except myself.
گر بگویم نک نشانم فوت شد ** چون نشان شد فوت وقت موت شد
- If I tell it, lo, my sign is missed, and when the sign is missed, the hour of death is come.”
بنگری در روی هر مرد سوار ** گویدت منگر مرا دیوانهوار
- You peer into the face of every rider: he says to you, “Do not look at me like a madman.”
گوییاش من صاحبی گم کردهام ** رو به جستجوی او آوردهام 1695
- You say to him, “I have lost a friend; I have set out to seek him.
دولتت پاینده بادا ای سوار ** رحم کن بر عاشقان معذور دار
- May thy fortune be lasting, O rider! Have pity on lovers and excuse (them).”
چون طلب کردی به جد آمد نظر ** جد خطا نکند چنین آمد خبر
- When you have made search (and your) looking has been in earnest—earnest endeavour does not fail: so the Tradition has come down (from the Prophet)—
ناگهان آمد سواری نیک بخت ** پس گرفت اندر کنارت سخت سخت
- Suddenly comes a blessed rider; then he clasps you very closely to his breast.
تو شدی بیهوش و افتادی به طاق ** بیخبر گفت اینت سالوس و نفاق
- You become senseless and fall to vaunting (ecstatically); the ignorant (uninitiated) man says, “Here is fraud and hypocrisy.”
او چه میبیند در او این شور چیست ** او نداند کان نشان وصل کیست 1700
- How does he see what this enthusiasm in him (the enraptured person) is? He knows not (who it is) with whom that is the sign of union.
این نشان در حق او باشد که دید ** آن دگر را کی نشان آید پدید
- This sign concerns (only) him that has seen (before): how should the sign appear to the other one?
هر زمان کز وی نشانی میرسید ** شخص را جانی به جانی میرسید
- Every moment that a sign was coming from Him, a (new) spirit was coming into that person's spirit.
ماهی بیچاره را پیش آمد آب ** این نشانها تلک آیات الکتاب
- Water has reached the helpless fish. These signs are (those mentioned in the text) those are the signs of the Book.
پس نشانیها که اندر انبیاست ** خاص آن جان را بود کاو آشناست
- Hence the signs which are in the prophets are peculiar to (known exclusively by) him who is a friend (knower and lover of God).
این سخن ناقص بماند و بیقرار ** دل ندارم بیدلم معذور دار 1705
- This discourse remains imperfect and unsettled; I have no heart (understanding), I am out of my mind: excuse me.
ذرهها را کی تواند کس شمرد ** خاصه آن کاو عشق عقل او ببرد
- How can any one number the motes, especially that one whose understanding has been transported by Love?
میشمارم برگهای باغ را ** میشمارم بانگ کبک و زاغ را
- Shall I number the leaves of the garden? Shall I number the cries of the partridge and the crow?
در شمار اندر نیاید لیک من ** میشمارم بهر رشد ممتحن
- They come not into computation, but I enumerate them for the guidance of him that is put to trial.
نحس کیوان یا که سعد مشتری ** ناید اندر حصر گر چه بشمری
- The sinister influence of Saturn and the auspicious influence of Jupiter come not into computation, though you may enumerate;
لیک هم بعضی از این هر دو اثر ** شرح باید کرد یعنی نفع و ضر 1710
- But still, some of these two (diverse) effects must be explained—that is, the benefit and injury (which they involve)—
تا شود معلوم آثار قضا ** شمه ای مر اهل سعد و نحس را
- In order that some little part of the effects of the (Divine) decree may be made known to the good-fortuned and the ill-starred.
طالع آن کس که باشد مشتری ** شاد گردد از نشاط و سروری
- He whose ascendant (ruling planet) is Jupiter will be rejoiced by vivacity (of disposition) and eminence;
و انکه را طالع زحل از هر شرور ** احتیاطش لازم آید در امور
- And it will be necessary for him whose ascendant is Saturn to take precautions against every (kind of) mischief in his affairs.
گر بگویم آن زحل استاره را ** ز آتشش سوزد مر آن بیچاره را
- If I should speak to one whose (ruling) planet is Saturn of his (Saturn's) fire, it (my discourse) would burn (torment) that hapless man.