- He said to her, “O strumpet, are you still obstinately disputing (with me)? Don't you see this change (in my appearance) and (this) tremor?
- گفتش ای غر تو هنوزی در لجاج ** مینبینی این تغیر و ارتجاج
- If you have become blind and deaf, what fault of mine is it? I am in this (state of) pain and grief and woe.”
- گر تو کور و کر شدی ما را چه جرم ** ما درین رنجیم و در اندوه و گرم
- She said, “O sir, I will bring the mirror, in order that thou mayst know that I am innocent.”
- گفت ای خواجه بیارم آینه ** تا بدانی که ندارم من گنه
- “Begone,” said he; “may neither you nor your mirror be saved! You are always (engaged) in hatred and malice and sin.
- گفت رو مه تو رهی مه آینت ** دایما در بغض و کینی و عنت
- Lay my bed at once, that I may lie down, for my head is sore.” 1575
- جامهی خواب مرا زو گستران ** تا بخسپم که سر من شد گران
- The wife lingered; the man shouted at her, saying, “O hateful one, (be) quicker! This (behaviour) is worthy of you.”
- زن توقف کرد مردش بانگ زد ** کای عدو زوتر ترا این میسزد
- How the master went to bed and moaned, imagining himself to be ill.
- در جامهی خواب افتادن استاد و نالیدن او از وهم رنجوری
- The old woman brought the bed-clothes and spread them. She said, “There is no possibility (of speaking), and my heart is filled with burning (grief).
- جامه خواب آورد و گسترد آن عجوز ** گفت امکان نه و باطن پر ز سوز
- If I speak, he will hold me suspect; and if I say nothing, this affair will become serious.”
- گر بگویم متهم دارد مرا ** ور نگویم جد شود این ماجرا
- A man who has not suffered any pain is made ill by a bad omen.
- فال بد رنجور گرداند همی ** آدمی را که نبودستش غمی
- It is obligatory to accept the saying of the Prophet, “If ye pretend to be sick beside me, ye will become (actually) sick.” 1580
- قول پیغامبر قبوله یفرض ** ان تمارضتم لدینا تمرضوا