- It cannot be washed away save by water of the eye (tears), when (once) the inward filthinesses have become manifest.
- جز بب چشم نتوان شستن آن ** چون نجاسات بواطن شد عیان
- Since God has called the infidel “filth,” that filthiness is not on his outward part.
- چون نجس خواندست کافر را خدا ** آن نجاست نیست بر ظاهر ورا
- The infidel's outward part is not defiled by this (outward filth); that filthiness is in (his) disposition and religion. 2095
- ظاهر کافر ملوث نیست زین ** آن نجاست هست در اخلاق و دین
- The smell of this (outward filth comes (extends to a distance of) twenty paces; but the smell of that (inward) filth (reaches) from Rayy to Damascus;
- این نجاست بویش آید بیست گام ** و آن نجاست بویش از ری تا بشام
- Nay, its smell goes up to the heavens and mounts to the brain of the houris and Rizwán.
- بلک بویش آسمانها بر رود ** بر دماغ حور و رضوان بر شود
- What I am saying is according to the measure of your understanding: I die in grief for (the absence of) a sound understanding.
- اینچ میگویم به قدر فهم تست ** مردم اندر حسرت فهم درست
- The understanding is (like) the water, and the bodily existence (is like) the jug: when the jug is cracked, the water spills from it.
- فهم آبست و وجود تن سبو ** چون سبو بشکست ریزد آب ازو
- This jug has five deep holes: neither water will stay in it nor even snow. 2100
- این سبو را پنج سوراخست ژرف ** اندرو نه آب ماند خود نه برف
- You have heard, too, the command (of God), “Close ye your eyes tightly”; (yet) you have not walked aright.
- امر غضوا غضة ابصارکم ** هم شنیدی راست ننهادی تو سم
- Your speech bears away your understanding by (way of) the mouth; your ear is like sand: it drinks (sucks up) your understanding.
- از دهانت نطق فهمت را برد ** گوش چون ریگست فهمت را خورد