- Once more he (the countryman) adjured him, crying, “O generous man, take your children and come and behold the pleasures (of the country).”
- باز سوگندان بدادش کای کریم ** گیر فرزندان بیا بنگر نعیم
- He took his hand three times in covenant, saying, “In God's name, come quickly, make the utmost effort!”
- دست او بگرفت سه کرت بعهد ** کالله الله زو بیا بنمای جهد
- After ten years—and every year the same sugared entreaties and promises—
- بعد ده سال و بهر سالی چنین ** لابهها و وعدههای شکرین
- The Khwája's children said, “O father, the moon and the clouds and the shadows too have their journeys.
- کودکان خواجه گفتند ای پدر ** ماه و ابر و سایه هم دارد سفر
- You have laid obligations on him, you have taken great pains on his account, 260
- حقها بر وی تو ثابت کردهای ** رنجها در کار او بس بردهای
- And he wishes to repay some part of that obligation when you become his guest.
- او همیخواهد که بعضی حق آن ** وا گزارد چون شوی تو میهمان
- He gave us many injunctions in secret: ‘Bring him to the country,’ said he, ‘coaxing (him to come).’”
- بس وصیت کرد ما را او نهان ** که کشیدش سوی ده لابهکنان
- He (the townsman) said, “This is true, but, O Síbawayh, be on thy guard against the malice of him to whom thou hast shown kindness.
- گفت حقست این ولی ای سیبویه ** اتق من شر من احسنت الیه
- Love is the seed (that bears fruit at the moment) of the last breath: I fear that it may be corrupted by estrangement.”
- دوستی تخم دم آخر بود ** ترسم از وحشت که آن فاسد شود
- There is a friendship like a cutting sword, (destructive) as December in the gardens and cornfields; 265
- صحبتی باشد چو شمشیر قطوع ** همچو دی در بوستان و در زروع