At (the sight of) that verdant place neither (desire for) food remains to the bird in the cage, nor patience and rest,
مرغ را اندر قفص زان سبزهزار ** نه خورش ماندست و نه صبر و قرار
(But) it puts out its head through every hole, that perchance it may tear off this fetter from its leg.3955
سر ز هر سوراخ بیرون میکند ** تا بود کین بند از پا برکند
Since its heart and soul are (already) outside like this, how will it be when you open the cage?”
چون دل و جانش چنین بیرون بود ** آن قفص را در گشایی چون بود
Not such is the bird caged amidst anxieties—cats round about it in a ring:
نه چنان مرغ قفص در اندهان ** گرد بر گردش به حلقه گربگان
How, in this dread and sorrow, should it have the desire to go out of the cage?
کی بود او را درین خوف و حزن ** آرزوی از قفص بیرون شدن
It wishes that, (to save it) from this unwelcome plucking (of its feathers), there might be a hundred cages round about this cage (in which it is confined).
او همیخواهد کزین ناخوش حصص ** صد قفص باشد بگرد این قفص
The love of (a) Galen is for this present life, for only here does his art avail; he has not practised any art that avails in yonder market: there he sees himself to be the same as the vulgar.
عشق جالینوس برین حیات دنیا بود کی هنر او همینجا بکار میآید هنری نورزیده است کی در آن بازار بکار آید آنجا خود را به عوام یکسان میبیند
That is even as wise Galen said on account of (his) passion for this world and because of what he desired (in it)—3960
آنچنانک گفت جالینوس راد ** از هوای این جهان و از مراد
“I am content that (only) half of my vital spirit should remain, so that I may see the world through the arse of a mule.”
راضیم کز من بماند نیم جان ** که ز کون استری بینم جهان
He sees around him cats in troops: his bird has despaired of flying;
گربه میبیند بگرد خود قطار ** مرغش آیس گشته بودست از مطار
Or he has deemed all except this world to be non-existence and has not perceived in non-existence a hidden resurrection.
یا عدم دیدست غیر این جهان ** در عدم نادیده او حشری نهان