- Every place where the Beloved himself is their companion is above the sky, not below the earth.
- هر کجا دلبر بود خود همنشین ** فوق گردونست نه زیر زمین
- Commentary on the Tradition that Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, said, “Do not declare me to be more excellent than Yúnus ibn Mattá.”
- تفسیر این خبر کی مصطفی علیه السلام فرمود لا تفضلونی علی یونس بن متی
- The Prophet said, “No preference is (to be given) to my ascension as being superior to the ascension of Yúnus (Jonah).
- گفت پیغامبر که معراج مرا ** نیست بر معراج یونس اجتبا
- Mine was up to heaven, and his was down below (in the belly of the Fish), because nighness unto God is beyond calculation.”
- آن من بر چرخ و آن او نشیب ** زانک قرب حق برونست از حساب
- To be nigh (unto God) is not to go up or down: to be nigh unto God is to escape from the prison of existence.
- قرب نه بالا نه پستی رفتنست ** قرب حق از حبس هستی رستنست
- What room hath non-existence for “up” and “down”? Non-existence hath no “soon” or “far” or “late.” 4515
- نیست را چه جای بالا است و زیر ** نیست را نه زود و نه دورست و دیر
- The laboratory and treasure of God is in non-existence. Thou art deluded by existence: how shouldst thou know what non-existence is?
- کارگاه و گنج حق در نیستیست ** غرهی هستی چه دانی نیست چیست
- The sum of the matter (is that) this defeat of theirs, O sire, does not resemble our defeat at all.
- حاصل این اشکست ایشان ای کیا ** مینماند هیچ با اشکست ما
- They rejoice in being abased and destroyed, just as we (rejoice) in the hour of success and honour.
- آنچنان شادند در ذل و تلف ** همچو ما در وقت اقبال و شرف
- The provision of unprovidedness is all (that has been assigned to the Prophet as) his fief: poverty and lowliness are his pride and glory.
- برگ بیبرگی همه اقطاع اوست ** فقر و خواریش افتخارست و علوست
- One (of the captives) said, “If that adversary (of ours) is such (as you describe), how did he laugh when he saw us bound (in chains)? 4520
- آن یکی گفت ار چنانست آن ندید ** چون بخندید او که ما را بسته دید