- The master said, “I have no ailment. Go and sit down and don't talk nonsense, hey!”
- گفت استا نیست رنجی مر مرا ** تو برو بنشین مگو یاوه هلا
- He denied (it), but the dust of evil imagination suddenly struck a little (made a slight impression) upon his heart.
- نفی کرد اما غبار وهم بد ** اندکی اندر دلش ناگاه زد
- Another (boy) came in and said the like: by this (second suggestion) that imagination was a little increased.
- اندر آمد دیگری گفت این چنین ** اندکی آن وهم افزون شد بدین
- (They continued) in like manner, until his imagination gained strength and he was left marvelling exceedingly as to his state (of health).
- همچنین تا وهم او قوت گرفت ** ماند اندر حال خود بس در شگفت
- How Pharaoh was made (spiritually) ill by vain imagination arising from the people's reverence (for him).
- بیمار شدن فرعون هم به وهم از تعظیم خلقان
- The people's prostrating themselves—women, children, and men—smote the heart of Pharaoh and made him ill. 1555
- سجدهی خلق از زن و از طفل و مرد ** زد دل فرعون را رنجور کرد
- Every one's calling him lord and king made him so tattered (infamous) from a vain imagination,
- گفتن هریک خداوند و ملک ** آنچنان کردش ز وهمی منهتک
- That he dared to pretend to divinity: he became a dragon and would never be sated.
- که به دعوی الهی شد دلیر ** اژدها گشت و نمیشد هیچ سیر
- Imagination and opinion are the bane of the particular (discursive) reason, because its dwelling-place is in the darkness.
- عقل جزوی آفتش وهمست و ظن ** زانک در ظلمات شد او را وطن
- If there be a path half an ell wide on the ground, a man will walk safely without imagining;
- بر زمین گر نیم گز راهی بود ** آدمی بی وهم آمن میرود
- (But) if you walk on the top of a high wall, you will stagger even if its width be two ells; 1560
- بر سر دیوار عالی گر روی ** گر دو گز عرضش بود کژ میشوی