- A snake-catcher went to the mountains to catch a snake by his incantations.
- مارگیری رفت سوی کوهسار ** تا بگیرد او به افسونهاش مار
- Whether one be slow or speedy (in movement), he that is a seeker will be a finder.
- گر گران و گر شتابنده بود ** آنک جویندست یابنده بود
- Always apply yourself with both hands (with all your might) to seeking, for search is an excellent guide on the way.
- در طلب زن دایما تو هر دو دست ** که طلب در راه نیکو رهبرست
- (Though you be) lame and limping and bent in figure and unmannerly, ever creep towards Him and be in quest of Him. 980
- لنگ و لوک و خفتهشکل و بیادب ** سوی او میغیژ و او را میطلب
- Now by speech and now by silence and now by smelling, catch in every quarter the scent of the King.
- گه بگفت و گه بخاموشی و گه ** بوی کردن گیر هر سو بوی شه
- Jacob said to his sons, “Make search for Joseph beyond (all) bounds.
- گفت آن یعقوب با اولاد خویش ** جستن یوسف کنید از حد بیش
- In this search earnestly direct your every sense towards every side, like one that is ready.”
- هر حس خود را درین جستن بجد ** هر طرف رانید شکل مستعد
- He (Jacob) said, “Do not despair of God's breath (mercy)”; go thou (also) to and fro as one that has lost his son.
- گفت از روح خدا لا تیاسوا ** همچو گم کرده پسر رو سو بسو
- Inquire by means of the sense of the mouth, and lay your ears on the four roads of that (which ye seek). 985
- از ره حس دهان پرسان شوید ** گوش را بر چار راه آن نهید
- Whenever a sweet scent comes, smell in the direction of that mystery, for ye are acquainted with that direction.
- هر کجا بوی خوش آید بو برید ** سوی آن سر کاشنای آن سرید